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Saturday, September 14, 2013

In a test, 83% of doctors failed to see a photoshopped gorilla in a CT scan picture!

As it turns out, even experts can miss out on simple observations because they are so focused on the task at hand.
This conclusion was incredibly apparent in a study done by Trafton Drew and colleagues at the Brigham and Women's hospital - when radiologists were asked to study a CT scan and try to find any molecules indicative of cancer!
83% of the radiologists failed to notice that there was a photo-shopped gorilla on the scan!
In fact, eye tracking technology was used, and it showed that most of the radiologists were looking directly at the gorilla!
The reason the experts didn't notice the gorilla is because they were trying incredibly hard to find cancer cells, thus narrowing their vision - and they were unable to notice anything else.
The same study was done with people who don't know what cancer cells look like, and 100% of them failed to notice the gorilla! They too were focusing on the task at hand rather than just being observant!


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